Posted by: Yvonne | February 5, 2009

Believe God Not Beth Moore

For a number of years I participated in a women’s Bible study group which primarily used Beth Moore’s material.  I also attended two of her conferences and purchased other books and music cds from her ministry.  I was sure that her teaching was sound and worthy of my time.  I was often blessed by her teachings and felt I was growing in my knowledge of God and His Word. 

believing-godThe last study I began was called Believing God where Beth had us doing a couple of things that sent red flags-a-flyin’

First of all, at the beginning of each session, she had the group all stand up and recite a ‘Joel Osteen-type’ belief statement which gave me pause.  I was all too familiar with his foolishness and not interested in sitting through his sort of teaching!  Maybe that is why this little routine bothered me.   

Secondly, she wanted to have all the participants wear blue bracelets made of cord or ribbon around their wrists as a reminder that we were God’s chosen people (aren’t the Jews God’s chosen people?).  Initially, I wore one, but quickly decided that this was not for me.  Again, not sure why, so much, just that I didn’t think it was appropriate for Christians to do something like this.  I don’t think I could articulate my reasons from a biblical perspective, however. 

After a number of sessions, I realized that Beth was heading into troubling waters.  Her video sessions were making me feel increasingly uncomfortable.  Because I could not clearly point to a specific problem, I quietly dropped out of the study group and became more involved with another ministry in the church. 

Subsequently, they began another LifeWay study by… (can’t think of her name).   Becoming more wary of ‘teachers’,  though, I looked into the author of the book before the sessions began and skimmed through the book.   I discovered that she was clearly influenced by Henri Nouwen and Dallas Willard and quoted them as part of the study.  When I brought this disturbing connection to the attention of the leader of the group, her response was a complacent, “The books have already been ordered.”   My family left that church soon after…

Not willing, yet, to toss Beth out with the proverbial ‘bathwater’ I continued to hope that she was still a valuable be-still-dvd1teacher and that I was just being overly critical.  However, I soon learned of her involvement in a DVD called, ‘Be Still.’  This video was being produced by some who were encouraging contemplative spirituality and other dangerous and mystical practices.  Hearing of  Beth Moore’s participation caused an uproar in the blogosphere of discernment ministries, and one contacted her directly questioning her part in this project.  Unfortunately, after initially distancing herself from the idea of contemplative prayer, she later recanted and stood up for it. 

draining-water1Finally, I was convinced.  “TOSS!”  No more Beth Moore.

I needed biblical reasons, though, for rejected her as a teacher, so I began looking for research online for discernment ministries who had written about her work.  Personal Freedom Outreach (PFO) had an expose about her writings in their newsletter called, The Quarterly Journal.  I promptly contacted them to purchase a copy of this edition and have since subscribed to this valuable resource! 

Also, the latest edition of PFO has another extensive article on Moore’s teaching videos.  It covers issues such as Moore’s “God told me” methodology, trivializing of miracles, her “Dangerous Liaisons’ with Latter Rain-type teaching, and her ‘Muddled Doctrine” of binding and loosing.  Reading this article only solidified my conviction that Moore is at least, not worthy of our time,  and at worst, dangerous to undiscerning women!

Coincidently, one of the co-authors of that article is Glenn Chatfield of  The Watchman’s Bagpipes.  He has posted a review of the book, Breaking Free, on his blog.   He details many problems in this popular book.  It is worth spending some time looking over his research.



  1. I, too, am troubled by BM teachings. She obviously loves the Lord, but she is such the drama queen.

    I have problems with the revelations she seems to get directly from God. I often wonder why so many women have to sit in her class before they can learn about Jesus.

    The overuse of personal antecdotes is particularly irritating and shifts the focus to her instead of the God we are trying to worship.

    I only attended one video session of her Daniel study. I never went back to the class. I did go through the workbook on my own and the use of
    subjective questions and imagined happenings that are not found in scripture were sprinkled all through the book.

    I would not recommend her studies.

    • I would like to start of by saying bless you sisters. May The God of Peace bless you. I also would like to reply in deffense of Beth Moore and what THE LORD is doing in her. The “drama” that she brings to her Bible studies are what keep me tuned in. Not only does Beth love the Lord, but the Lord speaks and sometimes yells through her!!!! I cannot begin to explain the way that these studies have helped me understand the Word not only as an inheritant of my Father’s Kingdom; but, also as a student. Also, to touch on the kind woman who wrote this blog saying that only the Jews are God’s chosen people, that is incorrect. The blood of Jesus opened a door for us to have the oppurtunity to be God’s CHOSEN PEOPLE. If we were not, then who would we be? It is by grace we have been saved, through FAITH no by works….. GOD BLESS YOU ALL and I am going to continue to read my Beth Moore studies, as God is speaking through her… MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME… Praise You Father!

      • Welcome, Lydia Rose,

        You said: “Also, to touch on the kind woman who wrote this blog saying that only the Jews are God’s chosen people, that is incorrect. The blood of Jesus opened a door for us to have the oppurtunity to be God’s CHOSEN PEOPLE. ”

        This is a common mistake that many Christians make; confusing ‘chosen’ with ‘elect’. Unfortunately, some teachers today are influenced by a nasty, little thing called ‘Replacement Theology’ and do not distinguish between the Church, the Bride of Christ, and Israel, God’s chosen people, who brought us the Law, the Prophets and the Messiah, etc.

        Since you referred to me as your ‘sister’, may I exhort you (Heb. 3:12-13) to step back and re-exam your devotion to Beth Moore? While the Lord may be working on her, she is busy deceiving many women. Please prayerfully consider the links that are provided in the post, as well as in the comment section. They link to articles that have compared Moore’s teaching to Scripture (Acts 17:11).

  2. Yvonne, as I have thought about this article today, it makes me wonder if the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) is more interested in making money than Biblical doctrine.

  3. Hi Yvonne,

    Very good commentary. It’s always good to see a woman’s viewpoint, since I have been told too often that women love Beth Moore’s teachings, and it is her style that turns off men. I’d say it’s her teachings, not her style, and that most women I’ve known who like her go by emotions rather than objective study.

    Thanks for the plug, by the way!

  4. Years ago I tried reading one of Beth Moores books but could not finish it. I couldn’t understand what the book was suppose to be about as page after page it was her trying to convince the reader that she was qualified to write it. I tried going to the “breaking free” study, and was so uneasy about it I quit going. Again, I recently was invited to go to her video teaching on “Esther”, and simply could not continue going to the classes. Like Yvonne, I couldn’t articulate my own reasons for being so uncomfortable, but now I understand. Thanks for shedding the light. The truth is what sets us free, and that is Jesus. I have a lot to learn, and a lot to unlearn about things!

  5. I know that soon the internet will be shut down, but this afternoon I was so glad that God used this site to answer some concerns that I am feeling in my heart. Thank you, Jesus!

    I noticed this morning that the church I am going to is starting the BethMoore Believing God series. I stopped going to a church because there was an increasing amount of apostasy, which it seemed that the Beth Moore series fed.

    I was new to the church when I took the class in a small group of women. I am one of the tiny minority that believes in 100% accuracy of the Authorized Version, the KJV. So when Moore referred to verses out of the AV, she seemed to me very patronizing. It was like she used a tone that the AV was beautifully poetic, or lucky that it got that portion of scripture right. However, it seemed to me that she spoke a little bit more reverantly when using new Bible versions, like the NIV, the Living Bible, and the Revised Version. Her use of the phrases “I like” and “I think” as a standard of what to believe falls right into New Age thinking.

    Thank you for this article. I can’t explain how it helped me! BEth

  6. This blog was the first thing I read regarding concerns about Beth Moore’s teaching. I am still trying to formulate an opinion about her, but thank you for the tip-off concerning contemplative spirituality. I’d never heard of it before. I had no idea what was going on in our churches.

    Can you please clarify something for me. In the paragraph where you discuss the person who is influenced by Henri Nouwen and Dallas Willard, are you talking about Beth Moore or someone else?


    • Shannon,

      Thanks for stopping by our blog. I hope it will be a blessing to you.

      The next study that was offered, if my memory serves me correctly, was called Bountiful Offerings by Angela Thomas. Hoping for a change from Beth Moore’s teaching, I ordered the book. It didn’t take me long to recognize that she was heavily influenced by Henri Nouwen & Dallas Willard–two men who will lead you down the wrong path!

      May I suggest a visit to a website called Personal Freedom Outreach? ( They have a periodical called ‘The Quarterly Journal’. There are a number of excellent exposes of Beth Moore that you can read.

      I pray that LORD will bless you with discernment.


  7. SHAME be upon the person who comes against a teacher of the Lord God Almighty. SHAME be upon you for publicly creating disunity, stirring up discord.

    • Shame upon a teacher who would claim special revelation from God for her false teachings and abuse of Scripture! When truth is presented it will cause disunity among those who want to follow a lie. Stirring up discord against false teaching is indeed quite biblical!

    • No, the shame is on Christians who do not and will not compare teachers with what the Bible teaches!!!! We Christians are taught to search and see if things taught are true. The ones who are truly divisive, by Biblical terms, are the ones who teach things different from what the Bible teaches. Any Christian teacher should be more than willing to have their teachings measured by the Word of God. If they are not willing, then there is something wrong and they may slip into the same mentality of cult leaders.

      No one is above reproof. The Bible says that even if the apostles or an angel of God brings us any other message, than the Bible teaches, they are accursed and we should not listen to them. If you do not feel you should challenge anyone against God’s Truth, you are without understanding of the Bible’s message on that subject.

      It is our responsibility to make sure the teachers we listen to are grounded in the TRUTH. Do not shame people over doing what the Bible tells them to do!

  8. I find it interesting that you are so critical of Beth Moore’s studies yet you have never completed a study.
    All of her studies I have done are scriptually sound and can be veried if taken the time.
    It is one thing to have a problem with her teaching style but if you have a problem with what she says than you may simply have a problem with the Bible itself and not Beth moore.

    • *Verified* sorry

    • I completed Beth’s 10-session DVD series “Believeing God,” and her book, “Breaking Free,” and found both to be biblically unsound. She claims direct revelation from God and yet has false teachings, so we know she lies about the direct revelation. She abuses Scripture and twists it almost as bad as a Jehovah’s Witness. If you want thorough evidence of my charges, come over to my blog! Beth Moore is not a teacher a discerning woman should be following.

    • Welcome Sally,

      I’m not exactly sure why you think I haven’t completed any of Beth Moore’s studies. The fact of the matter is that I have completed three: ‘To Live is Christ’, ‘Living Beyond Yourself’, and ‘Jesus the One and Only’. I began ‘Believing God’, but left because I felt uncomfortable with what she was offering.

      I have attended two of her conferences, as well. And unlike some, I enjoyed her style; I’m southern, too.

      So, all that being said, I did not like what I finally discovered about Moore. As I learned how she promoted teachers like Dallas Willard & Richard Foster and retracted her statement about participation in the ‘Be Still’ DVD, it became clear that the path she was taking her followers was not safe.

      I found some thorough critiques of her writing that opened my eyes to why I felt uncomfortable. May I suggest that you visit the Personal Freedom Outreach website at: They have a number of excellent exposes on Moore’s teaching.

      Remember, Shelly, we are exhorted to contend for the faith (Jude 3) and to expose unfruitful works (Eph. 5:6). Just because we think someone sounds biblical does not make their teaching ‘sound’.

      Please prayerfully consider reading some of the articles at the website. I am confident that they will help you understand my concerns.

  9. With all due respect I view this as your opinion and I do not see any facts to back it up. In fact, if you re-call your homework when you studied Believing God you would have read that she challenges you to trust, but VERIFY. Go directly to the Scriptures to confirm the truth and to not just take someone’s word to be truth.
    I can understand that you do not appreciate her style of teaching but to accuse her of false teachings and twisting the Scriptures is just not accurate. All you have to do is consult the Bible. She backs everything up with a Bible reference. I am not a Beth Moore “groupie” but I do find her studies designed to enourage looking up and memorizing Scripture. How can that be a bad thing?
    Beth never brags that she is a choosen one with a relationship with God that is exclusive. She encourages us all to have that relationship by seeking Him first.
    If you come from a background that does not see the Bible as absolute truth then I can understand why you would question the validity of her studies.
    But please do not accuse us women , and there are lots of us who grow in our faith through her Bible study, as being less “discerning”

  10. Sally,

    You are absolutely right in that the above post is my opinion. In my response to you I offered a link to a website that has articles that provide ‘facts to back up’ my assertions. These articles take the words from her videos and writings and do exactly what you say–‘verify’. Please take time to check them out to see for yourself.

    You say: “I can understand that you do not appreciate her style of teaching…”

    If you look back at my response you’ll see that I made a point of saying I DID enjoy her style because I’m am Southern, too. This is not my problem with her.

    Please know, Sally, it brings me NO pleasure to criticize Beth Moore. For many years I sat her feet. Like I said in the post, I didn’t want to give up on her as a teacher; however, as the Lord helped me to be more discerning, it became clear to me that what she was saying/teaching DID NOT always line up with Scripture. So much so, that after much prayer and research, I had to stop using her material for Bible study.

    I know that no teacher is perfect; we’re fallen sinners, after all. She is, unfortunately, influenced by contemplative prayer (Be Still DVD) and if she cannot discern the dangers of this practice then it makes me wonder about her ability to discern in other areas, too.

    Also, as Glenn mentioned above, she claims to have direct revelation from God. That’s quite a claim, Sally. When someone makes that claim, red flags aught to fly!

    I understand how you must be feeling. When someone points out problems with Christian leaders it’s often an immediate reaction to defend. What I’ve learned the hard way, however, is that we, as Christians today, MUST always ‘verify’! Remember, Paul commended the Bereans as ‘more noble’ than the Thessolonicans because they compared his teaching to Scripture (Acts 17:11)–just like Beth has encouraged you to do. But it must include her teachings, as well.

  11. Yvonne,
    I’m sorry , my above post was a response to Gary. Some how it was posted in the the wrong order.
    However in response to your recommended website, I visited and could only find personal attacks and no real proof without “signing up”.
    I am VERY leary when someone wants me to pay money to be exposed to Biblical truth. I can get that for free by opening my Bible and reading it. As I stated to Gary, that is exactly what Beth encourages us to do. Trust, but verify. I don’t think a false teacher would push you to learn and memorize Scripture the way she does in her studies if she was promoting false ideas.
    In all the Beth Moore studies I have taken she has never once pretended to have a relationship with God that no one else can have. So I will continue to grow in the Word through her and I will continue to wear my blue bracelet to reminded me that we are ALL God’s chosen people and that 1. GOD IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS 2. GOD CAN DO WHAT HE SAYS HE CAN DO 3. I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM 4. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST 5. HIS WORD IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN ME

    • Careful, Sally!

      You say: “I am VERY leary when someone wants me to pay money to be exposed to Biblical truth. I can get that for free by opening my Bible and reading it.”

      Didn’t you have to PAY to get Beth Moore’s book and workbook? Doesn’t your church have to PAY to purchase the videos to show to the women’s Bible study group? Doesn’t Living Proof Live require PAYMENT in order to attend one of her conferences?

      How is PFO any different?

      You should be ‘leary’ of every ‘Christian’ teacher, Sally. You are obviously ‘leary’ of what I’m saying here. GREAT! I encourage it! Be a Berean!

      But don’t stop being ‘leary’ when you sit at the feet of Beth’s teaching.

      I paid PFO $6 for them to send me one copy of their Journal because it was more important to me to understand error that I may not have recognized as a young Christian than to keep sitting under her teaching and risk being taught falsely. I was being a Berean; you should too.

      BTW-I do not think I have ever called Beth a ‘false teacher’. If I have then I will retract. I do believe, however, that she is influenced by false teachers–Dallas Willard & Richard Foster and others– and subsequently, lacks discernment and is therefore, unworthy of promotion as a Bible teacher.

      • Oh I see it as very different. When I purchase a Bible study workbook I have an opportunity to review it first. Not only that, I go to to a Bible believing church that very carefully selects the studies they offer. In 10 years I have not agreed with everthing I have heard but I have never heard anything that can not be verified through Scripture.
        I know NOTHING about this “PFO” or what they believe. I would never give money to a group that , in my opinion, does not expose themselves before trying to ‘expose’ Bible study teachers. In my opinion again, my first impression is that they are trying to create a division. It’s not for me, as Beth Moore studies are not for you. It is wonderful that we live in a country that allows us freedom to worship and grow in God’s word the way we choose.
        And just so you know, I do not sit at Beth Moore’s feet…I sit at the feet of Jesus. I study her curriculum because it enhances my relationship with the Lord, not my relationship with her.

  12. Sally,
    I WILL call Beth Moore a false teacher. I have previously been reticent to do so, but since she has many, many false teaching which I HAVE detailed in my reports on my blog, and since she claims to have direct revelations from God when she doesn’t, by biblical standards that makes her a false teacher.
    PFO in an apologetics ministry on a shoe-string budget, and it does cost money to publish a quarterly journal. I subscribe to it and got all their back issues because in my 30+ years in Christian apologetics I have found no better journal. They have done 4 journal issues with articles having detailed analysis of Moore’s teachings and they will sell the four as a set. This is not charging for God’s Word – they are selling their hard work and investigation into a teacher’s errors so that you can be discerning. As Yvonne pointed out, Beth Moore charges for “Bible” studies when they are just HER opinions. I have stated many, many times that Beth has some good teachings, but her false teaching are like putting cyanide in a glass of water – it poisons the good part.
    Click on my name and come over to my blog and you will see hard evidence of Moore’s false teachings. And if you find scriptural error in what I say, then please correct me – biblically.

  13. You know what Glenn, I did read part of your blog and I still only see it as your opinion . I have decided that you and I just have a different idea of who God is and what He can do in the lives of whose who seek Him. For example I’m taking a quote from your blog. Please forgive me ( and note that I ASKED for forgivness, in advance) if I do not use the proper marks to do so. This is a quote from Beth, “As God began stirring the tremendously heavy burden in my heart to write this study…” This is your response, “Who’s to say that this was just her own emotions instead of God “stirring” her?”
    Beth NEVER claims to have received revelations from God that only she can receive. If we earnestly seek Him in our area of greatest need He will respond to ALL of us….that is Biblical. We are humans and experience emotions that only God can heal us from. Have you asked Him to speak to you Glenn?
    BTW, I found this blog while I was ‘Googleing” a part of the the Believing God study that I am doing right now. God Bless you Glenn!

  14. Sally,

    You claim that PFO does not expose who they are. Did you look at the PFO “About Personal Freedom Outreach” link? Did you look at their statement of belief? It is all there as to who they are (excellent theologians) and their motivation is not to divide the church, rather it is to expose false teachings and to teach discernment. Take a look at some of their board and their board of reference. These are not fly-by-night bloggers.

    Beth Moore does indeed claim direct, verbal-audible revelation from God. If you read my article then you will see my direct quotes of what she says. You gave an example of my questioning her “feelings” as to whether it was objective truth or subjective feelings. But if you look at where I expose her abuse/misuse of the Scripture, I challenge you to really say that it is just my opinion. If you think that what she claims about Scripture in my examples is correct, then I submit you have a faulty understanding of Scripture.

    Beth Moore not only twists Scripture, but she also teaches pop-psychology and aberrational spiritual warfare models. This makes her totally unacceptable as a teacher, and any church which promotes her teachings would not be a church I would attend because it would tell me that they lack discernment.

  15. Oh, and God does indeed speak to me – through His Word!

  16. Good grief, the woman is so full of herself I wonder how much room is left for God. The first time I heard of Beth Moore was at a woman’s Bible Study at our church. Ten minutes into the video and my Spirit was screaming “go home”.

    The other ladies seemed to be enjoying the material, so I thought perhaps it was just me; but the gift of discernment is sometimes a heavy burden when it comes to times like these. Needless to say, I didn’t return. God was very clear.

    A year later, I thought I’d give it another try after I was given a free $50 ticket to one of her conferences through our ladie’s church group. As true as I am sittting here typing this, there were over 8,000 screaming women in attendance. Uncontrolably, I fell fast asleep through 90% of the program. That night became a huge church joke, but My Lord Jesus Christ does watch over me and I Praise Him for it.

    I am sure she is a very nice lady, but I have never heard the Word Of God so misrepresented and turned upside down in order to call it your life’s work. Please understand that I am NOT saying she isn’t truly saved. God’s Word has but ONE interpretation, and so many applications…that’s where we can get ourselves into trouble. Romans 11:33

    • Welcome, Kathleen,

      I’m curious as to what it was about the video that caused you to want to leave. Was it something specific that she said or more her presentation?

      Thanks for the visit.

      • Recently I resumed regular church attendance at my church after a fairly long absence (with periodic ‘visits’). Anyway, on Sunday nights the women are studying Beth Moore’s ‘Breaking Free’ with workbooks and DVD’s. I joined them when they were reviewing the workbook on Lesson 3. I’m not a person who enjoys the ‘group’ mentality thing but I thought, “give it a chance” “don’t be so critical/judgemental”etc.

        That evening was ok, but this past Sunday, the DVD for the next portion of the study was shown in the Sanctuary and I was ready to bolt after about 10 minutes of hearing Ms Moore. The Spirit lets you know when something isn’t ‘right’ and this teaching is too close to ‘New Age’ self discovery nonsense. Additionally, I sensed influence from the Charismatic movement in her delivery.

        I’ve been tormented about this’ since Sunday and decided to do a search on Ms. Moore and that’s when I came across this site in addition to a couple of others. Everything I’ve read confirms my concerns. Not that I was looking to intentionally diminish Ms Moore but when the spirit speaks to my heart I try to verify whether it’s me or truly of the Lord. In this case I’m confident that it is the Lord.

        What is really disturbing to me is the response of the women in the group. And particularly the pastor’s wife who, came out after the DVD and was crying. It truly reminded me of a cult mindset.

        ‘m very concerned that this type of thing has crept into my church and is being enthusiastically endorsed by both the Pastor & his Wife while the women seem oblivious to the direction of this series.

        Times are perilous and I really want to be in Church on Sundays in order to get my spirtual ‘footing’ back, but not under misleading doctrine. The church is small and there are no other ministries to volunteer for because everyone is now ‘in study’ on Sundays: Mens group, Womens Group, & Childrens Group.

        But that’s my ‘take’ on Ms. Moore. Even the first evening during the workbook lesson I felt a red flag.

  17. I have more and more come to understand that Beth Moore’s followers are almost cultic.

    • Glenn,

      No doubt we have seen a powerful devotion to Moore from some. It really is sad when so many women are undiscerning about her teaching. I guess it’s just another ‘sign of the times’ and unfortunately, I believe it will wax worse and worse.

      I’m ready for Jesus to come for His bride!

  18. I agree with all of you. I have done all of Beth’s studies and have only liked Daniel. I don’t like her idea of all faiths worshiping together. I believe that is where compromising principles begin. I think she has a low opinion of herself and other women. She works very hard at what she does and I admire her for that. In most of her studies she uses covenant theology to interpret the Bible but when it comes to prophecy she switches to dispensational theology. I think her followers should be called groupies because that’s how they act. Most of them never questions what she says. She says a lot of silly inappropriate things. I’m reading her new book on insecurity to review. I don’t think I will ever be able to read it because of the view of women she speaks about. Doylene

  19. I just came across this site yesterday and I highly recommend it. The author has gathered lots of material about Beth Moore and has done and in-depth analysis of her teachings which removes all doubt as to her being a false teacher

    • Thanks for that link, Glenn! I look forward to reading what he has to say.

    • Thank you Glenn! I am reading it now — it looks like it offers useful tools to ‘listen’ more carefully!

  20. Hi guys, Thanks for this post! You are witnessing the ‘fruit’ of following celebrity Christians. I do know a bit about BM since I have been involved in Christian marketing. I have also been involved in facilitating several BM conferences in several megas across the US. From the church end not BM end.

    But I have been around Christian celebrities for the last 15 years in my line of work. (Since repented and moved on) You see a pattern evolve with most Christian celebrities. They almost always end up playing to their audience. Which means they sell more books and the newest one will sell even better than the last one.

    Christian marketing/seminars/books/conferences are big big money. Folks have NO idea. BM is a hot commodity for Lifeway and for mega churches. If they are hot, they are banging out books and materials one after the other.

    The BM seminar I did several years ago, the tickets were 55 bucks. And the venue was free because it was a mega church. We had a huge problem with folks scalping tickets! People would buy up large quantities of tickets and then double the price to others.

    This is simply a form of idolatry. There is really no serious meat in her studies. In addition to her extra biblical ‘revelations’ and scripture proof texting to fit her premise.

    But who would know that unless they really study on their own. Which is why we must all be Bereans and stop following Christian celebrities. The Holy Spirit WILL illuminate the truths of the Word to you if you prayerfully seek Him.

    I think Beth is so cute and with such a down home personality, that many women are simply deceieved because they like “her” so much.

    • Thank you Lydia for your comments and the unique insight provided. It is easy to recognize idolatry among Hollywood Celebrities yet much easier to be blinded by deceptive ‘Christian Celebrities’. I think your last point is excellent — she has a down-home; every woman’s woman persona. The cult-like following should be a huge red flag to every discerning Christian.

  21. Yovonne,
    I want to thank you for getting the word out about Beth Moore. A few years ago A friend of mine was doing a BM study, and was so blessed by it she bought one for me. I usually shy away from topical studies because most of time they cut in paste verses out of the bible to fit with their interprutation of what they think the bible is saying about that particilar topic. If I gave it a shot I could come up with a topic and take verses out of context and use them to say whatever I want. I am always blessed by studying straight from God’ word! Well anyways I decided to give this study a shot. I could only get through the first few pages because me spirit felt very heavy. I don’t know why I am so sensitive this way, perhaps it’s because I grew up Morman and am very sensitive to false teachings. The Mormon religion is great at taking scripture out of context, and twisting it to decieve masses. It makes me sick! I’m in no way comparing BM to the Morman church, I’m just saying I have a hard time when people take verses ot of context to get their own point across. But what is most disturbing to me is when someone says that they recieve direct revelation from God. A lot of people that are big in the Christian scene that claim these things are being decievd, and end up being false teachers. Please tell me if I’m wrong, but the only people I know in this modern age getting direct revelation from God are those who read and teach straight from the Bible in context.

    And another thing, to all those Christians out there, did Jesus charge people to hear him speak? No, he fed them! Did Paul or the other apostles charge people to hear them teach the gospel? In my opinion you are just as bad as the money changers in the Temple! Do you think what your doing pleases God? I am so sickend by this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • You’re welcome, Shauna! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  22. In the post you mentioned the blue bracelet.

    The blue bracelet is from the Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. You can find them on

    It describes the blue bracelets as: The traditional color for good karma, positive energies and protection against the Evil Eye.

    You are right. It’s not for any Bible believing Christian to wear.

  23. I should probably add that I don’t know that’s how Beth was intending the blue bracelets.

    She referenced a verse: Numbers 15:37-79 about fringes on the end of garments. I’m not sure why that would translate to a blue bracelet.

    I just found the Kabbalah connection enlightening in context of Beth’s contemplative/mystical leanings.

  24. I am sadden to read all these negative responses about Beth Moore. God has really used her ministry in my life. I am not the type of person to just take everything that one hands me without finding it out for myself. I have been to seminary and love to study the scriptures. God has truly used the material Beth has written to deepen my heart and love for the word. I realized as I was perusing this blog that you would also consider me to be a “false teacher” or have a problem with my theology since I believe that God speaks to believers today and part of that is meditation on the word. Anyway, I am doing the Believing God study and wearing a blue bracelet. Every time I look at it, it reminds me to believe that God is who he says he is and that I am who he says he is. I think that was the intent if you listen to the message again. I for one feel happy to wear something that reminds me to talk to God through out the day. Just wanted to throw that out there. We are all one body and one day ALL of us who believe Christ is God’s Son and died for the sins of all that receive him and live for him will be in heaven together. Everyone has a right to their opinion and theology, but I would be careful in our accusations. WHAT IF God really is using Beth Moore in spite of what you think. Then you are touching one that he has anointed to bring his word. I am sure that we probably wouldn’t agree on theology or much based on this blog, but I hope that your life is blessed in Christ and you fulfill the purpose he has for you. Peace!

    • Welcome, Heather!

      Thank you for sharing your experience. There is no doubt that God has used even the worst of leaders to teach His people; many times despite the false teaching!

      I, too, was saddened. Exposing Moore’s false teaching brings me no pleasure, however, it is most important to determine whether or not her teaching is of God.

      May I suggest that you consider reading the information at the following links? These men have compared her actual teachings (books & video) to Scripture and found that it does not line up. (This site has an excellent flow chart that addresses your poignant thought, “WHAT IF God really is using Beth Moore in spite of what you think. Then you are touching one that he has anointed to bring his word.”) (This is a review of her teaching from a TV program that she is on.) (This site is a ministry that charges a nominal fee for their research.)


  25. By the way, Beth has done some meetings free of charge. I have been there for one of them. She also discusses on her blog why they have to charge. She is not even in charge of that kind of stuff. It’s her publishing company.

  26. I have read these posts with interest. Thank you. I have also been to seminary – but that is not the reason I have reservatioons about Beth Moore.

    I watched most of Believing God , bought the book – but did not do the study. I found her high pitched shouting and somewhat sentimental application of the text, too difficult to take her seriously for very long.

    What bothered me most about her method is the merchandising that goes with it. All the material and participation comes at a price.

    I had a letter come thru this week saying that for $30 I could enrol for a simulcast with Beth Moore and she would ‘say goodbye’ to all my insecurities.
    I can also buy her latest book, complete with her picture looking more like a fashion magazine ad which goes along with this latest money spinner.

    There are VERY VERY few theologically trained women I know who would be willing to examine exactly what it is Beth does teach. A lot of what she says is biblical but mixed with things are a plain textual misapplication.
    She has a HUGE following in the US and I have yet to hear any male theologian express any concern about the amount of influence she, and many others like her, have over church going women.

    I would also apprecate hearing your thoughts on the Women of Faith movement Yvonne, as I have some serious reservations about the lack of serious biblical application there too.
    It comes as no consolation that Steve Arterburn founded this road show, which is now owned by Nelson.
    Evidently, the profit margin for these conferences now runs into multi millions $ and the influence they have over womens minds is immense.
    Do any pastors out there discern this is taking us to a dead end?

  27. I have attended several Bible Studies using Beth Moore material. I am presently using “Jesus, the One and Only” in a private study. I have found her to be a woman who is extremely appreciative and loving of a Savior who redeemed her from extreme guilt and sin. Maybe she is so emotional because she “loves much because she has been forgiven much.” I am motivated by her personal walk with the Lord.

    • Jackie,

      No one is doubting that Beth is devoted to the Lord – least ways I don’t doubt that. The issue is whether or not her teachings are correct biblically. Beth Moore has been demonstrated conclusively to be a false teacher. She mishandles the Word and twists it to suit her fancy. Her claims of special revelation are really no different from those of cult leaders. Beth’s teachings cannot be trusted. To truly walk with the Lord, one must not teach falsely as does Beth. You say you are motivated by her walk, but that makes the reason you follow her based on emotions rather than objective analysis of her teachings. You would do much better by leaving Beth’s teachings behind.

      • Beth Moore is devoted and loves a god she’s created in her own mind. It’s not the God of the Bible. If it was the real God she wouldn’t be teaching so erroneously and falsely, but would in fact be trembling in her cowboy boots knowing she as a teacher will be judged much more harshly. The Jesus she promotes and people eat up is not the Jesus of the Bible. They wouldn’t know that because they don’t read their Bibles. They can no longer put up with sound doctrine and they gather around them these teachers that tell them exactly what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim 4:3). As for BM telling people to look up the scriptures she’s using in their Bibles, (as I think I read somewhere above) let’s be frank, how many people actually do that? How many people go home and cross check her teachings as their supposed to be doing? BM is well aware of that, make no mistake. For those so defensive of BM and quick to challenge everyone here, how about comparing what BM teaches to the Bible? You’ll have to read it though and not just a scripture here and a scripture there. Knowing God’s Word is not a suggestion. It’s a command and when people don’t know it they follow the herd and eat up the words of anyone who calls themselves a Christian. There is no excuse for not studying the Bible.

        • Well said, Aymee!

          I suspect if more ‘Christian’ teachers understood that the Lord will hold them accountable for what they teach there would be fewer in that ‘career’. Most of them are hirelings and they have no fear of the Lord.

          Thanks for stopping by.


          • A charismatic hireling but a hireling to be sure!

            Our ladies’ bible study just completed BM’s Revelation. I could barely stomach the videos and did not do the homework. So many red flags and things that were just not right.

            Thank you Aymee for your observations, which are spot on!

            • Welcome, Cindy!

              Wave those red flags! Compare what Beth Moore teaches to Scripture and share what you find out. Women are being deceived and we need to contend for the faith!

              There are more and more discernment ministries/websites who are writing about BM’s teachings and calling her out. I encourage you to do your research and pray for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to specific teachings that are false.


          • I agree. I use too attend her studies, but she made me uncomfortable and many things weren’t sounding right. I started checking her “revelations” and teachings and doing some research on the internet as well. Now, the more I cross check her studies, the more I am thoroughly disgusted. She’s as bad as a WoF heretic because she prays on abused, downtrodden women. She keeps them in a vicious circle by keeping them focused on their problems and issues and building self esteem when God wants us running a race and forgetting what’s behind. And since when does God want us self esteeming? We’re supposed to be esteeming Him not us. Since when does God want us feeling good about us? How do we ever come to true repentance and continue repenting if we’re trying to feel good about us when us is a big ball of sin? God doesn’t love us just the way we are. The way we are is sending us to hell. He doesn’t want us like us or anyone else. He wants us like Christ and every struggle or trial is meant to conform us to Christ’s image. Whatever runs contrary to what God commands is sin period. Behavior, mentality, emotions, if they don’t line up then it’s sin. We’re supposed to cut it off, beat our bodies and bring it under submission not analyze it, try to understand it, figure out how it got there, etc., but cut it off. When these women never attain to the level of “freedom” BM claims they can have (b/c they’re trying to attain it without God) and they think she has then they turn on themselves, but they’re at fault too for not knocking the dust of their Bibles as they should be doing. They go to some teacher to “know God”, but never go to the book He’s provided to know Him. It’s a mixture of what their itching ears want to hear and extreme laziness. Someone has already done the work for them so they follow that to their own detriment. These women need to be challenging BM and not those that call her out. They save face by lying on here, claiming they read their Bibles, but they don’t. I know that because they follow and defend her. You can’t defend a lie, but they wouldn’t know that since they don’t know what the truth is. In any case, so long Beth Moore! You’ve been a bad friend to us.

            • Amen!

              Keep contending, Aymee! Shout it from every possible venue!

              Every Christian woman who defends/supports Beth Moore needs to hear what we are saying.

  28. I have participated in many Beth Moore studies over the past 9-10 years, probably all of them up until the Daniel study. I thought myself to be growing in the faith because of these studies. I can’t remember which one it was that first sent up the “red-flag” for me, but I do remember the statement that Beth made that disturbed me. She referenced the Jewish tradition literature frequently in this particular study, something I thought was new for her. Finally at one point she said, “one of my favorite quotes from the Midrash …,” implying familiarity. At that point I realized Beth either did not know what was contained in that particular body of literature, was just implying she was familiar with something she indeed was not familiar with, or, she had embarked on a side-path that seemed to me to be particularly dangerous. I decided at that point to continue the study to see what else came up. To encourage her message of unity, Beth had a group of women on stage with her every session representing a different denomination. In this particular session, she had a group of Jewish women on the stage with her. She asked the audience to stand up, face east, and listen while one of the women prayed in Hebrew. Having recently completed a personal study of Ezekiel, my heart nearly burst through my chest as I watched every one of the 40 or so women in my study group obediently rise, face east, and participate in a prayer in a language they didn’t comprehend, just because Beth told them to do it. This is so disturbing. Beth has so captured the love and trust of Christian women that many will follow her into apostasy.

    • Cheryl, Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your experience. Moore has a cult-like following. They are blinded by ‘the package’.

      • I too have problems with Daniel – bible study- I agree with Cheryl – there are alot of “red flags” in this study –

  29. This last year I’ve been introduced to Beth Moore. Initially, I loved her and began taking her studies and reading her books. However, as time went on things began to bother me about her teachings that I too couldn’t put my finger on. I brushed it off when it would pop up and, having come from a background of false teachings and teachers that God brought me out of, I thought I was just being paranoid and critical. Recently, I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with her and the way people are flocking to her. Women’s Bible Studies are inundated with her teachings. It is extremely difficult to find one where the Bible is the only book used. The biggest red flag came while sitting in a tiny group at church listening to one of her lessons on DVD. She was mentioning that her conference in that state had been sold out for months then a woman a cross the table from me, who also loves Beth Moore, mentioned at one point how much she loved Joel Osteen as well. That may seem trivial, but I made a connection between the two. In the church I was attending a Beth Moore study, Joel Osteen, Henry Blackaby, Joyce Myers etc. are favorites and now they’ve included Beth Moore. Anyone who loves false doctrines and follows them would not be attracted to Beth Moore if she were teaching the truth. That is what caused me to look into her teachings more and I’m not liking what I’ve found. I’m giving up Bible Studies altogether when the Bible isn’t being used and we have to buy someone’s book and DVD presentation.

  30. You left a church because though they listened to you they failed to immediately do what you wanted? You left over a matter of taste rather than doctrine and/or an actual heresy? Matt 16:18 tells us that “the gates of hell will not prevail against” the church. Does anyone think that means the enemy will just leave us alone? No mature Bible believing Christian would think that. Interestingly Isaiah 14:12-14 tell us that the enemy’s plan is to subvert the church from within when he says, “I will sit on the mount of the congregation.” The enemy wants dissension about all manner of things including prayer because if he can keep us from prayer or keep us focused on imagined offenses then he can keep us from being effective. No wonder an unbelieving world thinks the American church is a joke. I pray you will mature spiritual. Even more, I pray wisdom, patience, protection, and mercy upon all pastors, churches, and church leaders who have you or people like you in their midst who allow the enemy to use them to help subvert the church.

    • Welcome, B Stephens,

      You ask: “You left a church because though they listened to you they failed to immediately do what you wanted?”

      Simply, no.

      There were numerous issue with the church that were not mentioned in the above post because it was not part of the subject.

      You also ask: “You left over a matter of taste rather than doctrine and/or an actual heresy?”

      Again, no.

      The subject of this post was not about why my husband and I decided the leave that particular church; it was about Beth Moore and her dangerous teachings, not her particular style.

      If you would like to ask a question/make a comment about Beth Moore and her teaching please feel free. But to draw the conclusion that I need to mature spiritually and that the devil is using our decision to leave to subvert the American church is illogical and unkind. Certainly comments like yours do not help unbelievers see God’s Glory through His people either.

      I would ask that you refrain from anymore ad hominem attacks that have nothing to do with the subject of the post; they will no longer be allowed through to the comment section.


  31. There are far too many selfish people proclaiming they have the truth and everyone else needs to listen to them (I fall into this trap many times). Jesus said to pray for those who use you and mistreat you. I wonder what would happen to the body of Christ if we prayed for those we know to be in error rather than condemning them publicly. Wouldn’t our God reach down in mercy and change that lost lamb or is He to impotent to do that? Pardon me for this post and please remember me in prayer if you can.

    • Dale,

      I will pray for you.

      Please consider Jesus’ exhortation in Jude 1 to ‘contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.’ Already wolves had crept into the Church teaching falsely. It is no different today.

      We are commanded in Ephesians 5:11 to ‘have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.’ Despite how much someone ‘likes’ a teacher they must be held to account for what they are teaching. We must be Bereans (Acts 17:11) or we will fall for anything that comes along that seems ‘Christian’.

      No doubt, much prayer is needed!


  32. Yvonne,
    What a thoughtful, deliberate, intentional blog post. Your response to the comments has been emotion-less, straight to the point, gentle and kind. Thank you for that.

    This past weekend, I was at a Beth Moore/Living Proof Live event. The Praise and Worship was so awesome, a little taste of Heaven – 9300 women and a few men raising our hands to praise God. Beth’s teaching was on John 1:1-18. But I came away feeling like something was missing, something was not quite right. And so, since I returned home, I’ve been reading sites like yours and Glenn’s.

    Just in the past few minutes while reading the comments, I have come to the conclusion that Beth Moore is the Christian Oprah; Lifeway’s Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, so to speak. One time I was watching an Oprah show and I was horrified in way I had never been at the manner in which the women worshipped Oprah when she came out: they were crying and screaming and clapping and reaching out to touch Oprah. The same thing happens at a Beth Moore event, except Beth’s bodyguard keeps a close eye on her (how intriguing that is, in and of itself; sad to say I was almost as intently watching him as I was listening to her). I, myself, have fallen prey to this unhealthy and wrong adoration.

    I have learned from Beth, so I really appreciate your comment that we learn even from the worst teachers. I am doing Breaking Free in a mentoring situation. Since my eyes have been opened, I will work more diligently to counter and expose the false teaching in this study so my mentee can learn about discernment in a way she might not otherwise have.

    Praying for us all to know Scripture and to be discerning,

    • Mrs. Evans,

      Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

      I praise the Lord that He has opened your eyes to discern the truth of Beth Moore’s deception. Keep being a Berean!


  33. Hello Cindy,

    Before you begin “Breaking Free,” you might want to check out my review of it at:

    There is some bad stuff there.


    • Thank you Glenn for that reminder. I had planned on doing that when I first saw your site Saturday evening.

  34. I did a study recently on Beth Moore’s “God-Spoke-To-Mes.” Here are a couple of excerpts from my conclusion:

    Along with her inappropriate casual attitudes about God, she goes further. At the end of her latest book, “Goodbye Insecurity, You’ve been a Bad Friend to Us,” she claims that Jesus is “the most consistent romance of her life.” In Breaking Free, she tells the women that “Christ is completely taken with you. He sees you as His beloved, His bride.” (page 126) Beth’s view of Christ is seriously distorted. She is teaching Christian women about a different Jesus – a romantic one, based on a gross misapplication of the Song of Solomon.

    Her claims of up-close and personal communion with God can have women left feeling left out when it comes to their own relationship with God, for He never speaks to them like this nor do they have intense sessions with him like she does in her writing of books. Nor does he ever offer to go play with them as he did in Beloved Disciple or prompt them to get expensive photos of themselves for their husbands, as she says God did in the Breaking Free foreword. For all her down-with-you-in-the-trenches-of-life approach, her exalted personal experiences with the holy and transcendent God put her a great distance above her readers. She has re-invented God into a loving, romantic, playful authority figure. Unfortunately, that is a huge factor in the appeal of her books. Who would not want a God like this? He certainly is not presented at all like this by the prophets and apostles, but rather they command us to fear Him. Jesus is not taken with anyone. He will deny anyone who denies Him.


    • Stan,

      Welcome and thank you for sharing your findings. I suspect many Christian women would be surprised to learn that Moore’s idea of God was off the mark.


    • Stan,

      My friend and I call that “God is my boyfriend/BFF,” said in a Valley-Girl voice with a “like, totally” thrown in there. And He is not. He is a Holy God to be revered, esteemed and feared. He is out for our holiness, not our happiness.

      My church has started Beth’s “lecture series” on Revelation. First red flag – a “lecture series.” What happened to Bible study? A Wednesday night group at our church is also doing John MacArthur’s study on Revelation, so prayerfully, there are several ladies who can present a different perspective during our discussion.


  35. Hello Yvonne. If the pastors would vet these teachers carefully before their books were even allowed in, their flocks would be protected. As it is, these high-profile celebrity teachers are trusted because of their well-polished images created by the publishers, who have a monetary motive to present them in only the most glowing terms possible.

    If pastors did their jobs like watchmen should, no one like you would have to expose the Beth Moores of the world as unreliable teachers. But after the church’s women have fallen in love with them, you have a tiger by the tail if you criticize their favorite teacher, even if your examination is irrefutably sound Biblically.


    • Amen and Amen!


    • I second Yvonne’s Amen!

  36. The only things I can think of that makes pastors so lax about calling out these celebrity ministers is the fear of man and/or the love of the money that comes with their position.

    Isaiah 56:9-11 really shines the light on so many of them: All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. The last thing you want from your doberman pinscher is him snoring while the intruder is jimmying the lock on the door at night. But, that is what God is comparing the leaders to. Therefore, God commands the beasts to come in to devour the flock as judgment: “For the blind lead the blind and they both fall into the ditch.”

    Well, so today in so many churches. The ravenous wolves are stealing the hearts and wallets of the flock under the noses of the sleeping watchdogs. They are greedy for gain for the money and for the prestige of having the title “pastor,” “reverend,” “doctor,” “apostle” or “bishop.” I want a pastor that growls and barks at the invader before he can get in the door. Today, they want to keep the flock undisturbed while collecting their tithes; but are ignoring that their wool is turning red from the teeth of the beasts.

    “Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.” Yes, Lord, shatter the lies that come out of the mouths of these false teachers who seek to draw away disciples after themselves. Rescue your people caught in their lies.


  37. Stan, you have an excellent analysis of the situation. One church I used to attend had lots of followers of Bill Gothard, the Pearls, and the Ezzos. When I brought information to the leadership about how bad these were and how they needed to say something from the pulpit, they all agreed with me as to the problem but told me they didn’t want to cause offense! I was able to finally, after several months, to convince them to no longer allow recruiting for Gothard seminars. We finally left that church because I could no longer tolerate poor leadership.

  38. I’m not acquainted with Gothard, etc, but I had to leave my church too in October of 2005. I had been an elder for the last 3 years there (an A/G church). I finally got my eyes opened one day when I was asked to read Rick Joyner’s book, The Final Quest. Up until then, I had been more or less accepting of him and others like him (Dutch Sheets, of the NAR, for example). I fell upon page 88 pretty much at random and read where Joyner was allegedly speaking to a “dead acquaintance” who was among a company other dead saints (in heaven, supposedly). In response to Joyner’s question, he said “We have our resurrected bodies now and you don’t.” My world of naivete came to an end with those words. This frog jumped out of the kettle on the stove (if you get that reference) and I saw the small fire under it that had been slowly cooking me for 25 years.

    Rick Joyner just taught that the resurrection is past, a doctrine that is like gangrene. I continued reading here and there and found the worse possible stuff in the book.

    I later informed the head pastor of the quote and he sat back as if shot. He said, that’s not right. I later said that Joyner was a false prophet, but the pastor said, “Oh, I don’t know that I would go that far.” I felt as if stabbed and knew my days there were numbered. I left in a month or two later.

    My life has returned to a quiet and undisturbed state, as at the beginning before I got involved in such easy error. The agitation of spirit that had grown in me for the previous dozen years that I could not identify vanished.

    Then, I saw the error of spiritual warfare, ala Cindy Jacobs, C. Peter Wagner, etc and the error of enforced tithing to the church and the error of the new apostolic age that Wagner pronounced began in 2000 and the error of word of faith doctrine. So, i host a home meeting here. It serves as my fellowship according to Acts 2:42. After 30 years a believer, I have returned home to the foundation of the apostles and prophets of the inspired word.


    • Wow! What a fabulous testimony, Stan! Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing!

      My family had a similar experience except with the Purpose Driven/Beth Moore-loving garbage at a Southern Baptist church. Since then we have been having home-church for four years and have learned so much about God’s Word and have grown closer as a family as a result.


      • You’re welcome Yvonne. You sound like you were quicker on the draw than me. I didn’t spot the Rick Warren problems years ago and actually (blush) helped teach the course to our poor sheep. Talk about naivete and trusting of those with a powerful PR machine!

        As to Beth Moore, I didn’t know of her until last year or two when I saw her on Life Today TV show. I didn’t like her right away but had no further interest in her until recently when I was asked about her from someone who comes here who had taken the Breaking Free course at her home church. So, I was off and running with examining her teachings.


        • God’s timing is perfect!

          Glenn Chatfield has some excellent posts on Beth Moore at his blog, The Watchman’s Bagpipes.

          Another is Personal Freedom Outreach, where they have quite a few extensive articles comparing her teachings to Scripture.


          Keep being a Berean!


    • Stan,

      Very interesting testimony. Looks like you had several heretical people you became familiar with!

      Bill Gothard is big in the home-school movement. He teaches lots of O.T. legalism as being for today, claims circumcision is necessary for Christians, has a lot of aberrant medical advice (if you have a Cabbage Patch doll in the house it will prevent a baby from coming, etc), and just plain goofiness in lots of his teachings. As with most false teachers, he actually has some good teachings also.

  39. Hi Glenn. Thanks for the heads-up on Gothard. The good they teach is the worm and the bad is the hook.

    I had accepted many of these popular teachers pretty much without question. I had not yet learned to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove because, like a dumb sheep, I trusted them because everyone else seemed “so blessed by them” (a testimonial I am very suspicious of anymore). Little did I accept the many warnings of the Lord and His apostles as to the prevalence of false teachers and the damage they can inflict on us when we are unwary.

    Christians (myself too before) equate love with trust. To mistrust seems unkind, a sin against Christian love. Yet, trust must be earned, but love is never earned. There is a word called “trustworthy,” but no word called “loveworthy.” We may love all men even enemies without reservation; but we may not trust all men without reservation; for the same Jesus who commands us to love all men also commands us to beware of men. When I love, I pray for them or them give of my substance if they have need. When I trust, I give them my soul. That I cannot do without risking my life.

    Somehow, I suppose, it’s that when we get saved, the subduing of our wolfish nature by God’s Spirit which results in gentleness and tenderheartedness of sheep means that we need to be taught the same thing the disciples who were sent out were taught: to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We need to be taught to be wary of false prophets and to take heed that no man steal our prize and not to believe every spirit that speaks through man. Jesus expects the sheep of his pasture to overcome. And as Paul exhorts, in malice be ye children, in understanding be ye men (mature). So, we don’t have to abandon a loving spirit by being wary of false teachers and prophets and false brethren, for they are wolves after something they believe they can get from us. In patience possess ye your souls.

    I have noticed, that you on your blog or Yvonne on hers here, that one of the biggest attacks you receive come from well-meaning sheep who confound sound, biblical criticism of teachers with unkindness. They believe they are speaking out of true Christian virtue when they chide you not to judge or condemn a teacher they both love and trust because they cannot imagine a Christian could possibly think or talk as you do. Yet, it is not true Christian virture that leads them. It is that they are still children being tossed about by every wave and wind of doctrine, for they have yet to learn that the trickery of men who lie in wait to deceive may be behind their latest blessing. They believe there must be something amiss with you that they need to correct when they see you refuse to be budged by the same tempests that drive them like unanchored ships in the storms of deceit.

    It falls back on the pastors who have not armed their sheep with the wariness the Lord commands; and therefore, by design or by their own immaturity, leave them exposed to having their prize ripped from their souls. They will have a lot to account for. Yet, as Isaiah 56 says, they are getting their gain; so, they’re not worried – right now.

    I have a little meeting here. I ask God for the utterance to warn when I see the need present itself, just as when I was asked recently about Beth Moore. I found a lot of reason to bark about her. I don’t always have to be growling or barking, but may I do so when the house needs to be awakened, even if they are annoyed at having their peaceful slumber disturbed.


  40. Wow…Here’s what I say…

    “…take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men…and now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” (Parts of Acts 5:35-39)

    If anyone has invited Christ in their hearts and are seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit…he will not lead them astray. We must be careful in accusing the preacher or teacher without truly knowing how God is operating in their message..

    Paul once stated that people are preaching for different reasons but “whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea and will rejoice” (Phil. 1:18)…Beth Moore is not preaching her message…She is preaching the message revealed to her in the Word. She is preaching Christ.

    If you don’t want to pay, then don’t…you can definetely seek God for yourself…Many of the disciples in the early church were provided payment in the form of meals and hospitality…the payment was gratitude toward God and the man He sent to send them the Good News of Jesus Christ…the Bible says how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of the that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. (Romans 10:14-15).

    In their time and even certain parts of the world today, the Bible is not readily available…so it’s easy for us to say, “Why pay for the message”…it’s almost like saying “Why tithe”…We should be servants like the early church…ready to give all we have for our brother or in this case sister in Christ, so that the message can be preached.

    In addition, payment was not just a form of gratitude, but of whether the messenger would be received by the receiver…Christ told the 12 apostles to go and preach that the kingdom of heaven was at hand to the lost, to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc…Jesus said, “Provide neither gold,nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nnot yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat. and into whatsover city/town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence. and when ye come into a house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let you peace return to you. AND whosever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” (Matthew 10:5-14). For those who don’t want to pay to hear the word just means may you are not willing to receive the message….

    Finally, Paul stated, ” But I certify, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man…For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12). Beth Moore states that God began working on her first and then instructed her to share this message with others. It’s revelation based on truth. I don’t know anything about who she is attached to…frankly, for me, I don’t care at this point. What I do know is that God took a man named Saul who was a persecutor of the church and very fervent about the Jewish tradition and used even him to preach the gospel..”but when it PLEASED GOD, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by GRACE, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach amongh the heathen..”(Galatians 1:15) This was the churches response to what God had done in Saul’s life, “But they heard only, that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed, And they glorified God in me”. (Galatians 1:23-24).

    Instead of attacking a woman for who she hangs around, or even past mistakes made, how about we rejoice that God can change minds and hearts and still use a personn with a past, a sinner, to preach the glorious gospel and lead people to a closer walk with God!


    • Christian Woman,

      Firstly, did you read the entire post? Was anything said in the post about paying for Moore’s teachings?


      So why go down that path?

      Secondly, you quote: “…take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men…and now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” (Parts of Acts 5:35-39)

      I’m curious. Do you know that this quote is of Gamaliel, a rabbi, a Pharisee? Do you intend to use this passage as a rebuke for us NOT to ‘touch the annointed’, Beth Moore? If not, then I have no idea why you used that passage.

      Lastly, please consider Paul’s exhortation in Act 17:11. “Now these Jews [the Bereans] were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things [Paul teaching the Gospel message] were so.”

      If the Bereans were commended as ‘noble’ for comparing Paul’s teachings to Scripture, I’m sure that comparing Beth Moore’s teaching to Scripture would be acceptable in the Lord’s sight.

      Remember, Jude appeals to us ‘to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.’ (v. 3) How can we possibly do that if we don’t critically examine teachers who claim to teach God’s Word?

      It brings me NO pleasure to speak critically of Beth Moore; however, I am convicted that by keeping quiet, knowing she is deceived and is deceiving, would be a sin.

      You would do well, Sister, to ‘take heed’ and read some of the information about Moore’s teaching provided at the links in the post and comments above.


  41. I respect your position…I just will not follow your advice…God is God and thus quite capable of letting any of children know when we are led astray. This is what I know…there are many false prophets in this world and we need to guard ourselves…However, I would dare not speak against someone God has given the authority to preach his Word. All authority has been established by Him. I think that bashing a teacher/preacher without truly knowing if God is involved could lead to one getting into serious trouble with the Father.

    Follow your convictions…I hope for your sake that God feels the same!

    • Christian Woman

      You take Scripture out of context in order to defend a false teacher.

      Firstly, there is no such thing as “inviting Christ” into one’s heart; that is a horrid phrase which has become a part of the “easy believism” so rampant nowadays. Show me where this is in Scripture, please. No, we are told to confess Christ as our Lord and believe in our hearts that he has died to save us, but nowhere does it speak of inviting Christ into our hearts. The phrase doesn’t even make sense: “Jesus, would you come into my heart?” This doesn’t even require any faith in him or his atoning sacrifice. And this is the sort of stuff you get from false teachers such as Moore.

      NO, the Holy Spirit does not lead people astray, but they can ignore the Spirit and be led astray by their own pride or by temptations by Satan. Christians are led astray on a daily basis.

      God does not “operate” in false teachings. Can He use them anyway? Of course, but He certainly does not sanction them.

      Moore is NOT preaching messages revealed to her in the Word – she claims most of her teachings are direct revelation from God! And since they rarely line up with Scripture, I think it is fair to say she is bearing false witness against God. And a large percentage of her teaching is not so much Christ as it is her belief system, which is full of pop-psychology and self-esteem teaching, as well as horrendous misuse of Scripture. It has nothing to do with paying for her message – many get it for free by borrowing her material. It has everything to do with the bad teaching that NO ONE should pay for.

      You even confirm your belief that Beth receives direct revelation when you say God has instructed her to do what she does. How do you know this – because Beth said so? Am I supposed to believe everyone who says God has instructed them to teach what they teach? Joseph Smith claimed the same thing, as did E.G. White and other cult leaders. Who do I trust? Neither those cult leaders nor Beth Moore teach in conformance with the revealed Word we already have.

      Who a teacher associates with says a lot about them. Since Beth chooses to associate with false teachers, it says she has little discernment. Is that the sort of teacher you trust?

      The Scripture tells us to expose false teachings and false teachers. Doing so is not “attacking” the person, rather it is attacking her message for what it is – dangerous poison.

      Lastly, you say that “God is God and thus quite capable of letting any of children know when we are led astray.” The main way God keeps us from going astray is diligent study of the Word. If you choose to ignore Scriptural evidence against Beth’s teachings, then you are letting yourself be led astray. You have obviously invested yourself in Beth’s teachings and are now suffering from what we in the apologetics ministry call “deception by investment.” You refuse to look at the evidence which proves Beth to be an unsound and even a false teacher and have arbitrarily decided that God has given Beth authority to teach without evidence to back up such a claim. I personally don’t believe God gives authority to anyone who misuses his Word the way Beth does.

      • Excellent points, Glenn!

  42. @ Christian woman: As Yvonne says, you cite Acts 5:35-39 against what is being said here. Gamaliel was restraining the Sanhedrin from their plot to kill the apostles. No one here is seeking to harm Beth Moore in any way. What we would cite in contrast also is “Examine everything carefully. Hold to the good.” (1 Thess. 5:21). Can you discern the difference between careful examination and assault?

    Beth Moore proves, by her own words, that she is not a sound teacher. She very often appeals to the authority of her subjective experiences with God for her books. She teaches such bad doctrines like our need to be set free from generational curses. She refers to us as “brides of Christ.” She often uses verses which are unrelated to her main points. She invents scenarios out of which she makes doctrine. She has criticized a person in the Bible for the prophecy he uttered. She displays anger and contempt toward the devil, which also is forbidden. She thinks highly of Brennan Manning, a contemplative prayer guru and universalist. Beth Moore has also endorsed a DVD on that same prayer import from Eastern religion.

    Really, these things are to be accepted without scrutiny and foisted on an already poorly-trained church who can’t discern error from people like Beth Moore?


    • Amen, Stan!

  43. I think what disturbs me the most about Beth Moore is her “style” of teaching. She goes a mile a minute in a loud, wild-eyed rant. This is a technique designed to captivate and almost hypnotize an audience and keep their emotions at a peek level throughout her presentations. When a person is in an emotional state, it is easier to manipulate their way of thinking and make them believe what you are telling them–be it Biblical or otherwise.

    Also, at numerous times, she will say “now, stay with me on this!” In other words, she is getting ready to tell you something that is far out of your normal realm of thinking. RED FLAG! You are about to be taught a “Bethism” not necessarily something Biblical.

    I am currently attending her study on Revelation and will probably finish, but, it will probably be my last.

  44. First of all, I would like to agree that any form of ‘worship’, whether to another human being, philosophy or possession goes against everything God says about what we should do as his creatures. No one teacher should take His place. That being said, I believe that Beth Moore would be the first to acknowledge the she is a mere servant on a quest to know and lover her God and Savior.

    I believe that most of you are confusing someone’s personality traits with what you conceive to be a theology of self worship! Please consider the distinction between having someone’s personal quips irritate you without assuming incorrect theological beliefs! Someone might rub me the wrong way…but is that necessarily a reason to expound that they are “full of themselves”? I think not.

    Secondly, I can’t speak for Beth, but after spending much time in her Bible studies, I have come to recognize that the personal anecdotes and stories are shared for a purpose. Call me naive (and I’m sure most of you will), but I took those stories to relate her human frailty as well as a reminder that she is indeed not to be put on a pedestal. How can that be read any other way? As Paul teaches us, we need to share what Christ has done for us. What a pitiful state we are in without His redeeming love and grace!

    Finally, to say that Beth Moore doesn’t study the Bible…blows my mind. Have you seen the resources this woman uses???? We are not talking of pulling verses out of context to wrap around some kind of pop psychology class.

    Yes, she makes the statement she “believes God told me”. I believe this scares many people today because the enemy has won over many “modern” day Christians by having them believe our God does not speak to us. How then could the Word be alive? If God isn’t mighty enough to speak to me personally…what do I need him for? Frankly, the enemy speaks to his followers quite clearly and often. Why is it so hard to believe the Creator does it better? We are “spirit-filled”, are we not? How much do we miss out on because we aren’t even trying to “listen” to Comforter and ever-present COUNSELOR. That’s a pretty sorry counselor that can’t communicate!!! Honestly, Satan has triumphed on this battle ground. We are so scared of being duped by Satan’s false copy of divine intervention and communication that we throw it out completely and write up anything in its nature as rubbish. Sad. How arrogant we have become to stand with fists high and dictate what the Creator of the Universe is capable of doing in our tiny little realm of understanding!

    Maybe there should be more study in the Word rather than study on each other’s mannerisms and quirks!!!!! No wonder the world has no use for us…we don’t even believe in the God we “sell”.

    All this said, I do applaud evaluating a speaker’s theology against the Word of God. I pray God continues to use the imperfect Beth Moore as His vessel to bring glory to Himself.

    • Welcome, WendyP,

      May I ask to whom you are addressing with your questions?

      You ask: ” Please consider the distinction between having someone’s personal quips irritate you without assuming incorrect theological beliefs! Someone might rub me the wrong way…but is that necessarily a reason to expound that they are “full of themselves”? ”

      Nowhere in my post or any of my comments did I state that Moore was ‘full of’ herself. In fact, in February, in my response to Sally, I made it clear that Moore’s ‘personality traits’ and style were not why I was struggling with her.

      You also ask: “…to say that Beth Moore doesn’t study the Bible…blows my mind. Have you seen the resources this woman uses????”

      Where did you read that one? Not in this post.

      Most importantly, when Beth Moore says the ‘God told her’, I’d like to believe that what she means is “God told me through His Holy Word.’ I truly believe that that is how God ‘speaks’ to Christians today. Unfortunately, Moore insinuates that He speaks to her outside of Scripture.

      If this is the case then, what logically follows is that we must take her word as equal to Scripture and sola scriptura is false. If not, then she’s deceived or is lying and a deceiver. Here’s a link to an algorithm, by Dr. Sam Kurian that explains:

      Click to access an-algorithm-to-test-beth-moore.pdf

      When ‘teachers’ make the claim, “God told me” or something like it, then they set themselves apart as an elite group; someone who receives special revelation that other Christians don’t. How arrogant is that?

      Be careful, Wendy. You seem to understand the need for biblical discernment and the dangers of idolatry. Make sure that you apply those same standards to Moore, as well.

      There are many links in the comments above that will take you to discernment sites where you will find articles comparing Moore’s teaching to Scripture.


    • Wendy,
      while Beth’s behavior on the DVD series I watched led me to believe she feels a great deal of self-importance, and although I believe her behavior is totally unacceptable for a teacher, her behavior was not my real problem with her. My problem with Beth Moore is that she twists scripture almost as badly as any cult leader and claims direct revelation from God when doing so.

      Beth may indeed study the Bible, but her “Bible studies” are more “Beth Studies” with so much misuse and misapplication of Scripture that her teachers are more dangerous than helpful. And, yes, Beth does take much out of context and does indeed preach a lot of pop-psychology.

      Beth’s claims of God revealing things to her are not in the vein of receiving clarity from the Spirit while reading the Word. No, she claims give-and-take conversations with God, that God directs her as to what to write, and that God even calls her “honey.” If God were truly giving her such revelations, then her teachings would not be so rife with error. It is the error which demonstrates she does not speak for God.

      My suggestion is that you really evaluate Beth’s teachings against the Word of God and not turn off objectivity just because she gets your emotions stirred up. Beth is NOT a teacher worthy of following – her teachings are full of poison.

  45. WendyP.,
    I wanted to chime in here with an observation I have made regarding Beth and her stories, which pertains to this statement you made:

    “Secondly, I can’t speak for Beth, but after spending much time in her Bible studies, I have come to recognize that the personal anecdotes and stories are shared for a purpose. Call me naive (and I’m sure most of you will), but I took those stories to relate her human frailty as well as a reminder that she is indeed not to be put on a pedestal. How can that be read any other way? As Paul teaches us, we need to share what Christ has done for us. What a pitiful state we are in without His redeeming love and grace!”

    Beth shares almost the same stories with the same themes in every one of her studies. I am tired of reading about her dogs. I am tired of being told in every study of hers that I need to “break free” – something she has even done in the Revelation study. Here I am watching her talk about Revelation and totally focused on God and then she brings up her dog and it’s ball and asks me what “ball” is keeping me captive. This totally shifted the focus of the discussion from God to self. There are so many stories about Beth that sometimes it is hard to see God. Compare that to a Kay Arthur Precept study. Rarely does Kay bring up her past, except to call herself “an immoral woman.” In the Precepts worksheets, there are almost no personal anecdotes from Kay, everything points me to God and His word. What a difference.

    Just some observations.

    • Cindy – yes! I think i agree! I did the Kay Arthur Precepts study on Revelation a few years back and even after 10 years I remember getting Scriptural Truth from those in depth studies – and I can even remember what some of it IS! I’ve been to 2 of Beth Moore’s sessions and I’m wondering where the Scripture is and why we only seem to have taking a glancing look a a few versese in chapter 1 and last night were told to “not pick it apart but look at it all as a whole picture”. I just don’t get it.
      I haven’t decided, though, if her theology is WRONG or not – or if it’s simply a waste of my time to participate. I don’t know if I’ll keep going or not.
      But I do know that I won’t sign up for another Beth Moore study!

      • Cat, I know exactly what you are feeling as I felt the same way this past fall when my ladies’ bible study did Beth’s Revelation. As you progress, you will come to a lesson where she actually makes a very big mistake and is wrong – it can be proven in Scripture that what she said in the video was not accurate.

        I made a few observations on this study:
        *the copyright on the study is owned by Living Proof Ministries, not Lifeway. I can only assume this is partially to blame for the error noted above – perhaps she did not get the normal editing her studies in which Lifeway owns the copyright got. I really am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
        *the videos were not nearly as professional. That for me was also a huge distraction.
        *It really seems she videotaped every week instead of doing it all in one week like the other studies done by Lifeway. I’m not sure if that hurt or helped.

        Revelation was not one of her best. I did learn, but I found the homework to be so uninspiring and lacking, I usually didn’t do it. With my womens’s group, I just didn’t bring up the problems I had with it because there are so many defenders of Beth in attendance.

        It is a sad day indeed when Christians are more interested in defending a certain teacher then they are in finding and discerning God’s truth.

  46. Just want to asure you that the cinical attitude you write with is very clear… So surprising comming from a christian that questions other’s intentions of helping women to get closer to God…I am from an ex-comunist country where people were used to be very narrow-minded but even for me your attitude is very narrow… So sorry that you left the bible study before

    • The sort of God that Beth Moore teaches about is a syrupy, best friend – sweetheart of a god who wants you to improve your self-esteem. The Biblical God is different. Beth Moore is as false teacher. While one may learn some good stuff from a false teacher, it is much better to be trained by someone who knows what they are talking about rather than just making things up the way Beth does. She twists Scripture to suit her own desires – much like cult leaders do.

      As for “narrow-mindedness,” tell that to Jesus and the Apostles when they condemned false teachers.

      • I cannot explain how sad the majority of the postings here have made me feel as a Christian woman tonight. Beth Moore is our sister in Christ.We are all part of one big family and we are called to love and encourage each other. I believe the Word of God instructs us to offer criticism with care and in a spirit of love.

        Any non-Christians who have read all these negative comments about our dear sister would certainly have good reason to question whether they would want to join our family of believers in Christ. I am by no means saying we should not rely on our spirit of discernment given by the Holy Spirit to guide us. However, I cannot imagine our Father in heaven being pleased with our spending our time bashing one of His children…. our own sister.

        I truly believe we all need to humble ourselves and pray that we may not find ourselves being used by the enemy, when our real intent is to be a vessel for God.

  47. Katherine,

    It is not “bashing” a person to expose their false teachings. We are called to expose false teachers and false teachings. Just because Beth is well-liked and a woman, that does not exempt her from being examined for her teachings. Her teachings twist the Word of God, promote a false spiritual warfare model that is spiritually dangerous, and refuses correction. We don’t let cults get away with this, so why should we let a Christian get away with it?

    Why would God be displeased with those of us who expose false teachings? Scripture gives us example after example of Jesus and the apostles doing that very thing. Even in the O.T. we are giving examples of false teachers and false prophets being exposed, and yet you think God would be displeased?

    Non-Christians reading my comments about Beth, and perhaps even checking out my blog articles exposing her false teachings, might just think, “Hmm, they aren’t afraid to expose people in their own system!” What a non-believer might think if we don’t expose false teachings in our own ranks, is that we are hypocrites for exposing the false teachings of those outside the church while ignoring those inside.

  48. Thank you for this VERY helpful article and comments. I am in a ladies Bible Study and we just started a Beth Moore study on Revelation. I, like the author, have been VERY disturbed by the teaching but haven’t been able to articulate why. Mostly I just feel the study is very scattered and it continually jumps back to the “look at me” stories instead of following a more coherent, logical outline. I’ve been to 2 sessions and after each i’m left scratching my head thinking, “what was the point of all that talk?” I find her style irritating, but I dismissed that as me just not liking the whole notion of being told to repeat back some phrase mindlessly while she marched through her agenda. I like a chance to pause and reflect, to challenge and digest. When I tried to challenge a point I was told, “This is BETH MOORE! She’s not going to say something that’s not true!!” a VERY dangerous precendent indeed!

    But i, like the author, am the only one in the room raising my red flag… and I can’t exactly articulate why.

    • Welcome, Cat!

      Keep waving that red flag, Friend!

      The dangers of Moore’s teaching are quite subtle. Certainly, there are nuggets of truth that one can dig out, however, she surrounds these few truths with very dangerous, un-biblical concepts and most of us can’t see the difference. I can relate to your frustration in not being able to articulate why I was concerned and that’s when I started searching.

      Check out my response comment to Heather from March 21st above. There I list a number of links that have been extremely helpful to me in my understanding of the dangers of Moore’s teaching.

      Hang in there, Cat! Be a Berean and don’t accept any teaching without comparing it to Scripture (Acts 17:11) !


  49. Proverbs 4:20-22;
    Is this study a man or God centered study?

    I am in the middle of Beth Moore’s Daniel bible study at my church –
    Page 5 – “Continually ask God to grant you “the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better” I started right here asking for discernment in this study – My- that discernment hit me in the face, in my mind and mostly in my heart with each page of this study. In my opinion –
    It is a Beth centered study – not a God centered study

    There are alot of ‘red flags ‘ in this study.
    The use of words such as = (“we might say that God”)(“probably”)(“I suppose”)(“If indeed”)(“Assuming”) (“Imagine”)etc. in her teaching stories.

    Also – there are ALOT of “her stories” the I, Me, My etc. in her lessons.

    She has asked to reader to “change” the Words of the Scripture “to suit ourselves”
    Deut. 4:2; 12:32 – Proverbs 30:5-6
    – pg 39 – “In other words, when we say our Scriptures to God, we will leave room for our own conclusions.”
    -pg 42 – “Turn this segment into your own authentic praise rather than a recitation.”
    -pg 63 -She compare the Bible to a “novella” -“It posses every element of the greatest novella,…..a nail-bitter down to the quick.”

    -The scriptures says that the 4th man in the fire was “like to son of God” on pg 65-Beth says “Where was the Fourth Man in the fire? Before we try to answer this very difficult question…” “Was God loyal to them? And if so……) (If S0)

    Reading on to the second half I have found more inconsistencies-

    I could go on and on – My discernment says to find all of these problems and let others know. This is hard because most members of my church and this class, believe and hang onto every word she says as the truth – But if I could get thru to one – or more than it is worth it –

    Please do not be deceive by her! Listen to the Holy spirit and discern her message for yourself.
    Be Sure to read the scriptures from the Bible – Use a Bible which has not changed the words and meaning of the scripture. (There are alot of ‘New Modern’ versions which have changed words etc)

    • Welcome, g.

      Praise the Lord for blessing you with discernment! Stand firm, Friend! Our God will be glorified!
